(通讯员:胡梦君审稿人:周显鹏)近日,资源环境科学与工程学院胡梦君副教授在全球变化与碳循环研究领域取得重要进展,研究成果以“Nonlinear response of soil organic carbon sequestration to deadwood decomposition in a subtropical–temperate ecotonal forest”为题,在线发表于国际学术期刊Journal of Plant Ecology(中科院一区TOP)。胡梦君教师为第一作者,湖北科技学院为第一完成单位。该研究得到国家自然科学基金和湖北科技学院科研项目的资助。

Soil organic C content showed a significant nonlinear response to deadwood decomposition.
Bacterial and fungal biomass, as well as exoenzyme activities increased with deadwood decay.
Soil organic C was directly driven by soil bacterial and fungal biomass, as well as cellulase activity.
The driving effect of cellulase rather than ligninase on SOC during deadwood decay.